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contoh kalimat arch enemy

"arch enemy" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • As he faces his arch enemy in a match to the death!
    Saat ia menghadapi musuh bebuyutannya!
  • So we must get the help of his arch enemies.
    Jadi kita kena minta bantuan dari musuh ketat dia.
  • Their arch enemy Gretel is always trying to embarrass the Staines.
    Saudara Utara yang bernama Sweta berusaha keras menyerang Salya.
  • On March 17, 2014, Arch Enemy announced via press release that Alissa would be replacing their former vocalist Angela Gossow.
    Pada 17 Maret 2014, Arch Enemy mengumumkan bahwa Alissa White-Gluz akan menjadi vokalis mereka, menggantikan Angela Gossow.
  • According to the band's website, the "Nemesis" version of the song, which is found on limited editions of the single, features guitars recorded by former Arch Enemy guitarist Christopher Amott.
    Menurut situs web band tersebut, gitar pada versi "Nemesis" dari lagu tersebut direkam oleh mantan gitaris Arch Enemy (band melodic death metal) Christopher Amott.
  • A big and complex deal brings about the arrival of an old arch enemy and a new team member. As Team DBS grapples with tension from within their ranks, will they be able to pull themselves together and do what’s best for their clients?
    Sebuah kontrak besar dan rumit menghadirkan musuh bebuyutan lama dan seorang anggota yang baru di tim. Ketika tim DBS mengalami ketegangan dan kericuhan diantara mereka, mampukah mereka bekerja sama dan melakukan yang terbaik untuk kliennya?
  • In the meantime Berengar's arch enemy, Arnulf of Carinthia died in December 899, as a result the Hungarians, whom he hired against the Italian king, left the kingdom in the next year with all their plunders, not before concluding peace with Berengar, who gave them many hostages and "gifts".
    Sementara itu musuh bebuyutan Berengar, Arnolf dari K?rnten meninggal dunia pada bulan Desember 899, akibatnya pasulan Hongaria yang dia sewa untuk melawan raja Italia, meninggalkan kerajaan setahun kemudian bersama hasil rampokan, tidak sebelum membuat perdamaian dengan Berengar, yang memberikan mereka banyak sandera dan "hadiah".